I’m getting knocked up on Thursday at 3pm.
My womb lining was looking good on Thursday last week, so transfer is go!
I’ve stopped the daily injections now, and replaced them with a twice daily pessary, which is delightful. These are progesterone, and are supposed to support a pregnancy. So now I’m on:
Metformin pill x 2 a day
Estrogen pill x 3 a day
Progesterone pessary x 2 a day
And I just about remember to take them all.
They’ll defrost one of our embryos on Thursday morning and call to let me know how it’s going. In the event that it hasn’t survived thawing they’ll take a second out the freezer, and on until they either run out of embryos or one works. With my consent, obviously.
John is away in America now, so should it work, prepare yourself for many jokes about the extraordinary length of his manhood, able to impregnate me from across the Atlantic!
See you on the flip side.
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