Final installment for now


Thank you for hanging in here for this long. It’s been nice to have you close by.

Today we learned that none of the remaining three embryos were good enough for freezing. Which wasn’t a big surprise.

We have 4 top quality embryos in the freezer, and we’re really happy with that.

I checked a few things today with the clinic:

Q1: What are your thaw-survival success rates?

A: >95% of embryos survive thawing.

Q2: What are your opinions on frozen vs fresh embryo transfer pregnancy success rates?

A: They are comparable. It makes little to no difference to your chances of getting pregnant that your embryos have been frozen.

So that’s good newses.

Nothing happens now until day 21 of this cycle. That’s 18th Feb, when I begin taking more drugs (Buserelin) to downregulate my hormones again. This is so I don’t ovulate during the implantation cycle, which could really mess things up. Then I take some progesterone to induce a period and then some estrogen to build up my womb lining. Then I have a scan to see if my womb lining is thick enough and if not we carry on with the estrogen for a bit longer and scan again. Then we are finally ready for implantation. This all works out as our being ready for embryo transfer during week commencing 19th March at the earliest, or, more likely, 26th March, or possibly even 2nd April at the latest.

That’s all longer than I’d hoped. But at this point, we’ve already been going over 2 years, so a few more months makes little difference.

Now I’m going to watch Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee with my lovely husband and talk about something other than IVF.

See you soon.


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