
Mouse bladder goes the extra mile

Gosh, this last weekend was hard. Luckily it was full of love and laughter enough to distract me most of the time from the aching uncertainies following Friday's pregnancy test results. Saturday was spent at a dear friend's hen party where, ...

Positive…and Negative

We did the test today. At 5am I peed into a pot and we started with the Clearblue test, the fancy one that not only tells you if you're pregnant but how far along it estimates you are based on ...

How to support during IVF

I know many of you reading this blog are close to others going through IVF, and you've very kindly contacted me to say it's been helpful to know what they might be experiencing and how best to support them. So ...

Embryo Transfer #2 and The Two Week Wait

The transfer went ahead today with no hiccups. Well, the only thing that did go wrong was pretty major and totally my fault - I'd forgotten to tell John he needed to sign a consent form ahead of embryo thawing. But ...

Exhausted Panic

It's a day and a half until embryo transfer. This time, due to a change in procedure at the clinic, we will only get a call on Friday morning if there is a problem with the defrosting process. So no ...

IVF cycle #3: What I need

Tomorrow I will go for my scan. I began this new cycle on 29th April, and have been studiously taking the drugs since then to switch off my hormones and let the medicine take charge. I feel like I'm in a constant ...

How am I?

I've been asked this question a lot recently. Always in love, and with a concerned look and sad smile. Maybe a shoulder pat, and always followed by an expectant pause... Some days I'm just fine. So I say, "Yeah, I'm good ...


I went to church today. John and Toby did not, as Toby has Chickenpox (great timing) and thus is under quarrentine. This meant I sat alone. I was joined by one of the pastors for a little while as she comforted ...


This week has been awful. What started as heavy bleeding Monday morning slowed up into the evening, only to start again Tuesday morning, repeating this pattern over a couple of days. With each decrease in flow, hope creeped back in. But ...

The Moment

When big, bad things happen, they happen in an instant. One moment you're eating your tea. The next, your mum's on the phone and she has cancer. Everything's changed. One moment you're queuing for coffee. The next, your mother-in-law is on the ...